Chzo Mythos Wiki
Chzo agonies symbol

The Order of Blessed Agonies is a recurring group in the Chzo Mythos.


A masochistic pain cult formed by Jack Frehorn, the secretive order believes in purification through pain, and worship Chzo, a magical pain elemental who resides in the World of Magick. From behind the scenes, the Order manipulates events in history so that the Prophecies of Chzo may be brought to fruition.


Let's Play Trilby's Notes Part 12 Order of Blessed Agonies

Video including the founding of the order

In order to be accepted into the order, one must suffer the Three Blessed Agonies of Body, Soul and Mind — immense physical pain that purifies the body, the murder of a loved one which purifies the soul, and the torture of one's mind through boredom, fear and insanity, which opens ones mind to the glory of Chzo. This same set of beliefs is crucial to the success of the Prophecies of Chzo, which the Order believes will culminate in the arrival of their god into the World of Technology, to purify mankind and set them free from sin.

It is unknown what became of the Order following the failed attempt at summoning Chzo in 2189, but it is implied that the Order was disbanded following the government investigation into the explosion at the end of 6 Days a Sacrifice. Because all foretold events that were prerequisites to Chzo's arrival had already taken place, only for nothing to have taken place, the faith of many adherents no doubt faltered, and the order ceased to exist.


See Books of Chzo

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Cabadath and Lenkman speak to some members of the cult
